








    As is well known, Confucianism is characterized by its emphasis on “harmony.” How this idea is presented in early Confucian texts, and what it really means; these questions are that which are expounded in this article, according to which, the Confucian thinking on the relationship between mankind and all other things in the universe and especially the relationship among human beings are of eternal importance as long as there are human communities. It may be said that mankind in the twentieth century has lost its belief in equality, whether substantial or formal, as a result of a series of experiments, which were aimed at a utopian society and accompanied with much excitement at first but finally left with nothing but despair. Against this backdrop the idea of moral community espoused by Confucian thinkers becomes more and more enlightening. This author is convinced that if mankind has more self-consciousness earlier or later it will understand that the Confucian thinking is able to make more contributions to the future harmonious society than any other ideal or idea, including the most popular one in today’s world, namely, the one-person-one-vote system.

关键词:以人为本 顺乎人性 自我完善 推己及人 和谐 大同理想

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